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Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.

The Good Measure name represents a high quality and accurate measuring system and the good that comes in the form of a donation to breast cancer research for every Good Measure Ruler sold. Make a difference while making something beautiful. Feel good about your choice to purchase Good Measure Rulers - the only rulers with a cause. This ruler is specifically designed to create the following blocks: Grandmother's Fan, Dresden Plate, and Tumbler Blocks. Since this is a 22.5 Degree Wedge, 16 pieces will make a complete circle. All Good Measure rulers are designed to be compatible with each other, ensuring accurate cuts and allowing you to utilize these rulers for all your cutting needs. Each ruler is labeled with its size or the name of the specific job it does. Good Measure rulers are accurate, easy to read and versatile. Made in the USA! Ruler Size: 6.125in x 13in. NN22D

Good Measure Cut for the Cure Ruler 22.5 DEGREE WEDGE


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